China, Hebei, Jinshanling, Travel Hiking the Great Wall of China 长城 Author admin Date January 12, 2011 From the guide books to the hostels in Beijing, the hike from Jinshanling 金山岭...
China, Hebei, Jinshanling, Travel Walking Along the Great Wall 长城 Author admin Date January 11, 2011 As one would expect, walking along something called the Thousand Li Long Fortress 万里长城...
China, Hebei, Jinshanling, Travel General Tower 将军楼 Author admin Date January 10, 2011 The Great Wall of China is one of the most recognizable landmarks in the...
China, Hebei, Jinshanling, Travel Exploring the Great Wall of China 万里长城 Author admin Date January 9, 2011 When one thinks of tourists attractions in China, the very first thing that comes...
China, Hebei, Jinshanling, Travel Shalingzhai 沙陵寨 Author admin Date January 8, 2011 I paid my entrance fee just nearby the parking lot where my driver will...
Malaysia, Melaka, Travel The Bastion of Frederik Hendrik Author admin Date September 14, 2010 The theme park atmosphere of the new developments at the mouth of the Sungei...
Malaysia, Melaka, Travel Port of Melaka Author admin Date September 10, 2010 Since the arrival of the Europeans at Melaka, the place has grown in prominence...
Manila, National Capital Region, Philippines, Travel Puerta de Isabel II Author admin Date May 24, 2010 Puerta de Isabel II at Intramuros Off to the side of Plaza Lawton, is...
Manila, National Capital Region, Philippines, Travel Intramuros Author admin Date April 3, 2010 Entrance to Intramuros Intramuros is not called the walled city for no reason. The...
Manila, National Capital Region, Philippines, Travel Puerta Real Gardens Author admin Date April 1, 2010 Entrance to Puerta Real Gardens Just past the Juan Luna Monument is a place...
Manila, National Capital Region, Philippines, Travel Walled City Author admin Date March 31, 2010 A View of the City of Manila Intramuros has been one of those significant...
Cambodia, Siem Reap, Travel Terrace of the Leper King Author admin Date November 24, 2008 Terrace of the Leper King As one comes out of the Royal Palace complex,...