Exploring the Town of Werfen

Quiet Main Street of Werfen

Quiet Main Street of Werfen

I thought to go out of town the following day and visit Werfen which is south of Salzburg. It is a small town hidden within the mountains but fortunately along the railway line. Although, one of the main claims to fame of the town is that is was a film location for the classic film the Sound of Music. I have seen the film previously but I don’t really remember that much about it, apart from some of the songs which I’m sure I have heard even outside the context of the movie. I am not a huge fan of the movie that I would go out of my way to see the film location, however, I do remember that the movie featured rolling hills and nice scenery, surely, this place where they filmed one of the iconic songs will have a great view.

Walking Along the Main Street of Werfen

Walking Along the Main Street of Werfen

Right off the bat, when the train was pulling into the town’s train station, I can see that it wasn’t exactly great touring weather. The town is covered in snow and it was basically miserable. I would be nice if I was just indoors but it isn’t great if you need to get somewhere. As you might expect, a town as small as this is very quiet. I hardly saw any people out, probably because of the weather too. There is one main street here were all the establishments were. This is also the way to get to the film location. I needed to go through the town and make my way up the hill behind the town. It doesn’t seems to be a very steep climb but it can be if there is snow all around. I just hope I won’t end up slipping and sliding all over the place.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/WerfenRailwayStation.kmz} zoom=19]

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