Inside the Salzburg Cathedral

Details of An Arch in the Salzburg Cathedral

Details of An Arch in the Salzburg Cathedral

The Salzburg Cathedral is one of the most prominent monuments in the city of Salzburg and it is included in Salzburg’s UNESCO World Heritage site listing. Although was inside the cathedral the previous day, I didn’t actually see much of it since I was in the museum component of the cathedral. This time, I am visiting the actual cathedral itself. As it is common for cathedrals like these, the current structure we see now was not the original structure. There was a much older church that was built in the eighth century. That structure was rather fragile as it burned down several times and had to be reconstructed subsequently. Eventually, it was so bad that it was ordered demolished and plans for a new structure began.

Aisle at the Salzburg Cathedral

Aisle at the Salzburg Cathedral

In 1628, the new Salzburg Cathedral was completed. It is also known as the Cathedral of Saints Rupert and Vergilius. The facade of the basilica tells you that this is a baroque church which is actually a nice change from the string of gothic churches that I have seen in Europe so far. The cathedral is massive and imposing. As it is typical of baroque churches, the interior of the cathedral is very well decorated. You can immediately see the beauty of the church just upon entering it. However, you will notice the interior somehow changed to that of a Romanesque church. There are several arches here which are typical of the style and it seems to say that the church design is a hybrid one. It is interesting to see how such seemingly minor details and say a lot about how this church was built.

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