I finally got my dinner and I was walking it away. While I think I did more than enough walking for the day, it seems that you can’t do enough of it in Salzburg. When the sun goes down, the lights turn on in the historic center of Salzburg, illuminating the city center. As you would expect in places like these, the city center has been turned into one big shopping center. There are numerous alleys to go into and all of them are lined with stores or restaurants. Obviously, if you want to have a night out, the city center is hard to beat.
The lights already make the city center very attractive but since it was Christmas, there were also Christmas decorations all around, giving the place a very festive atmosphere. This is still not counting the Christmas markets that are scattered in the city center. I always enjoy walking around in places like these. You can say it is very commercialized but such is usually the fate of historic city centers. There are still historic sites within the city center and those are well preserved. It is just that everything else here would be a store, restaurant or a hotel.
[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/Salzburg.kmz} zoom=19]