Going to Salzburg from Hallstatt

Salzburg Railway Station

Salzburg Railway Station

Despite not really planning much, I thought I had a great two nights at the village of Hallstatt. I immediately booked two nights at Hallstatt without thinking only because I happened to see affordable accommodation. Ultimately, I thought that Hallstatt was too small to spend more than two nights for, especially in the winter. As scheduled, I have to move to my next destination.

Bus Terminal at Salzburg Railway Station

Bus Terminal at Salzburg Railway Station

I got up very early the next morning to catch the bus. I forgot to inform my accommodation about this and when I went down there was no one at the reception. I had already paid in full prior to coming here so I should not have any issues. I left my room keys on their table and left. I got out early because I wasn’t sure that time the bus would come. Hallstatt is a very small village, which makes it very easy to go to the bus terminal. The bus terminal is just outside the village and this is also where all passengers get off. The bus terminal also happens to be one of the best spots for photos of the village. Which makes this a very busy place.

When I took the bus from Salzburg to Hallstatt, I had to take three buses. One to Bad Ischl, then two to Hallstatt. I was surprised that the bus from Hallstatt is one which goes straight to Bad Ischl, I was worried that I would have to change buses in the middle of nowhere. However, it seems that they already thought of this as most passengers of the bus would be students who will be going to Bad Ischl. I was actually surprised to see how many students there were in the bus.

After arriving at the Bad Ischl bus terminal, I transferred to another bus headed to Salzburg. By this time, the sky was already getting brighter and I can actually see what is outside. It seemed to be a cold and foggy morning so far. Hopefully, that will change as the day goes on. The trip felt much faster going back and I was back at the Salzburg Railway Station in no time. It was full blown morning by this time and it was already very busy. However, Salzburg isn’t my final destination I still have to catch a train.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/SalzburgRailwayStation.kmz} zoom=19]

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