Going to Kadikoy

Turyol Haydarpasa Pier Under Renovation

Turyol Haydarpasa Pier Under Renovation

I thought that before I would leave Istanbul, I should be able to at least go on a cruise on the Bosphorus Strait which is integral to the history of Türkiye. It is amazing to see how a city as big as Istanbul to be established on huge a large waterway. Perhaps there were settlements on all sides of the strait. Eventually, the settlements could have grown to their current size and they were all incorporated into a single Istanbul. Imagine having to build infrastructure for a city like Istanbul, it would be immensely difficult. There are bridges which cross the strait but they are long, before that, there is the ferry.

Kadikoy Lighthouse

Kadikoy Lighthouse

I took the ferry which happened to head south to the district of Kadikoy. I have no idea of what is here but I just wanted to ride on the ferry for fun. The ferry is full of passengers and I don’t know what everyone else is doing here. The ferry is a fun way to get to this part of the city, that is if you don’t want to take the metro. The ferry passes by some historical monuments and it was good to be able to see them from a different angle.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/KaikoyFerryTerminal.kmz} zoom=19]