Ferry from Bursa to Istanbul

Grand Bazaar of Bursa

Grand Bazaar of Bursa

I managed to finish most of the important places to visit in Bursa. Now it is time for me to go. I originally came to Bursa by ferry although I had the choice of taking the bus like the last time but I opted for the ferry simply because it was faster. I was hoping that I would be able to take the same ferry back to Istanbul but I was running out of time. I was still in the middle of the city of Bursa and I needed to get to the ferry terminal fast. There is no metro direct to the ferry terminal as of this writing so I needed to take one back to the Emek metro station.

Inside the Grand Bazaar of Bursa

Inside the Grand Bazaar of Bursa

Getting back there was simple enough, to get to the ferry terminal, I needed to take a bus to the ferry terminal. There is a regular one which departs from the metro station and soon enough there was one which arrived. I have a feeling that everyone else I was with was also trying to catch the ferry. The bus was packed with people. Unfortunately for me at least, this was no express bus. The bus still needs to drop people off along the way and this was shaving precious minutes away from my time. The ferry I was trying to catch was the last ferry back to Istanbul. I know that missing the ferry won’t be the end of the world for me. I can always find my way to the main bus terminal and catch a bus to Istanbul which should be more frequent than the ferry.

In fairness, the bus was traveling quite fast, it was just that there were a lot of stops along the way. I don’t remember there being so many stops when I was making my way to Bursa but that doesn’t matter right now. I was getting excited when I started seeing the water since I know that we are almost there. There were only a few minutes left before the ferry departs. Eventually, the bus pulled in to the ferry terminal and everybody ran out. It seems that we got there just in time. I purchased tickets back to Istanbul and ran to the ferry. It doesn’t matter anymore where I sit as long as I got on the ferry. I was thinking that maybe the ferry operators knew that the bus from Emek hasn’t arrived yet which is why they waited for it to arrive. It was a nice day trip to Bursa but this last part was too stressful for me.

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