Okcu Baba’s Tomb on the Way to Tophane Park

Okcu Baba's Tomb on the Way to Tophane Park

Okcu Baba’s Tomb on the Way to Tophane Park

I was trying to end my visit to the city of Bursa at Tophane Park which is on top of a hill in Bursa. The way to the park is going up, so there is a bit of walking to do here. Buses also frequent this area in case you have mobility issues. What is good about walking is that there seem to be a lot of historically significant places here. Bursa is considered to be the first major capital city of the Ottoman empire and a lot of the structures here in the city relate to the birth of the empire.

Okcu Baba's Mausoleum on the Way to Tophane Park

Okcu Baba’s Mausoleum on the Way to Tophane Park

I got sidetracked on my way to Tophane Park when I saw a viewing deck which lets you take in views of the city of Bursa. It is not very common that you get natural viewing points so close to the city. This is just a hill in the city so it isn’t very tall to begin with. Nevertheless, a view is meant to be viewed. Incidentally, there is also a tomb here in this small park. The tomb is one for Nusret Pasha also called Okcu Baba, who apparently was a master of archery. While he was probably not as important as the sultans also buried in the area, it seems that was important enough to get a spot here in this highly coveted location. There was one single sarcophagus here which I thought would make this person very important, I think. I took my photos then continued on my way.

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