Going to Tophane Park

Picture Frame for Bursa

Picture Frame for Bursa

I think I was just about done with my visit to Bursa. I stumbled into a mosque and tomb of Uftade an Islamic scholar of his time which I thought was underwhelming. Then again, you don’t really expect tombs and mosques to be grand and touristy. I wasn’t intending to visit this one but I guess I was glad that I did anyway since I would get to see one which isn’t so well known. Further up the road was a more well known one and hopefully, I wouldn’t make another mistake. I was glad that I recharged my phone at the Grand Mosque of Bursa so that should keep me going for another few hours, hopefully, enough juice to last me until I get back to Istanbul.

View of the Grand Mosque of Bursa

View of the Grand Mosque of Bursa

This area of Bursa is hilly and there are actually parts where you have a view of the city. Places like these are usually used as burial places of important people. I was making my way up and noticed a small park. I knew that this wasn’t the park that I was intending to go to but I was just curious. What piqued my curiosity was a viewing area, complete with a sign for Bursa. Maybe it would make for the best profile photo ever. Maybe not, the viewpoint wasn’t that high and it basically overlooks the car park which I passed earlier. However, from here you can see the Grand Mosque of Bursa. It won’t take your breath away but any view you can get in a city is always good.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/TophanePark.kmz} zoom=19]