Uftade Mosque

Entrance to the Uftade Mosque

Entrance to the Uftade Mosque

I seem to have stumbled into one of the historically significant places here in Bursa. There is an elevated area here which over looks the city center of Bursa. This area is favored by royalty and important people as a burial site. The one I happened to go to is the one for Uftade a well known Islamic scholar. It isn’t just Uftade who was buried here but also some of his disciples. I am not familiar with these names but I think they are important enough to have a group burial site. There was a service going on at that time and I didn’t want to linger anymore lest I become a nuisance or worse.

Outside the Uftade Mosque

Outside the Uftade Mosque

Right beside the Uftade Tomb is the Uftade Mosque. I was too near the the mosque that I twas hard to take a photograph of it. From the looks of this place, this place doesn’t seem to be frequented by tourists. I only happened to come here because it showed up in Google maps. It wasn’t what I thought It would be going to but I might as well have a look. The next area would not be that far away so I don’t think I would be wasting any time coming here.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/UftadeMosque.kmz} zoom=19]