Structures at Cumalikizik Village

Narrow Passageway at the Village of Cumalikizik

Narrow Passageway at the Village of Cumalikizik

I went around the Ottoman era village of Cumalikizik. To my eyes, it just looks like an undeveloped village like I would see in third world countries. Perhaps, that is exactly why it was included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage sites. For me, I wasn’t really impressed. I was just following the main path around the village. There will be structures which look older or less maintained compared to the others. For example, there will be walls which are not covered in plaster and you can see how the walls were constructed.

Stone Walls at Cumalikizik Village

Stone Walls at Cumalikizik Village

I thought this was the most interesting part of my visit to the village. The older looking structures were of varying stages of decay. Some look like they were very well maintained while there would be others which would need to be propped up and possibly unfit to live in. At this point in the village, there weren’t too many people anymore. I guess, you can’t really blame them for not bothering to go too much further since it wasn’t that impressive like giant monument like a mosque. I am beginning to agree with them and I have started to make my way back to the village entrance.

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