Arriving at Cumalikizik Village

UNESCO World Heritage Site Marker at the Village of Cumalikizik

UNESCO World Heritage Site Marker at the Village of Cumalikizik

The city of Bursa is apparently a very important city. It is Türkiye’s fourth largest city and it is also very rich in history. I will be visiting a rather remote part of the city first and hopefully be able to see the rest of the city after. I took the bus, metro and then the minibus to reach the village of Cumalikizik which is a UNESCO World Heritage site. The village is on the outskirts of the city. The minibus took a very roundabout way of going to the village seemingly to service this part of the city since it is not served by the metro. The village is on top of a hill but I couldn’t notice the slightly cooler weather here since it was still just as hot.

Vendors at the Village of Cumalikizik

Vendors at the Village of Cumalikizik

What I did notice was that there was a lot of shade here. The village is a well preserved example of an Ottoman Empire village. It does have that small village feel. There is a large tree where you get off the bus and it provides a lot of shade much to my relief. The plaza is populated by several stalls operated by residents. Obviously, tourism has gotten to them as well and who can blame them for trying to take advantage of the numbers of tourists who come here. Before I look at what they sell here, I thought to first go around the village and see what makes this place so special.

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