Scaenae Frons of the Amphitheater of Hierapolis

Scaenae Frons of the Amphitheater at Hierapolis

Scaenae Frons of the Amphitheater at Hierapolis

While there are several places to see here in the Hierapolis, I decided that I would only be visiting a select few, particularly, the ones nearest where I was. It was almost noon and it was already blazing hot. I have an umbrella with me to stay cool but I still don’t think it would be very pleasant to be walking around all the sites of Hierapolis in this heat. I can see that most people already just make it to these few places and almost no one goes to the ones further out. Visitors enter the amphitheater of Hierapolis from the top, that is after climbing the hill from which the amphitheater was carved out from.

Around the Amphitheater of Hierapolis

Around the Amphitheater of Hierapolis

The amphitheater is in remarkable condition, too remarkable in fact, since I find it hard to believe that there wasn’t any restoration done here. I understand that this region suffered an earthquake which basically doomed Hierapolis to ruins. The center of attraction here is the scaenae frons which is the structure you would find in the front of Roman amphitheaters. This one is in very good condition. For sure there was restoration done here since it wouldn’t have been able to survive an earthquake like that. I can see that not a lot of people here at the amphitheater go down the stairs, because that would mean they have to go back up to get out. It is a shame for them but good for me since I would be able to get most of the people out of my photos. If you think that not a lot of people visit the amphitheater, you would be wrong, everyone is just behind me.

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