Whenever I visit ancient Roman monuments, it is always a mixture of awe and at the same time disappointment. It is indeed awe inspiring to see these almost two thousand year old ruins and imagine how it was back then. At the same time I would also be disappointed because usually there isn’t much left of the monument. What’s more, it just sits there. The amphitheater is a centuries old structure alright, but it isn’t as amazing as I would have hoped. I guess I shouldn’t be comparing them to places like Rome. The amphitheater is considered to be the tenth largest in the Roman empire that is still intact.
There are green slopes where I thought the seats would be. There are steps to get people from one area to another though. The amphitheater is still used for events and just thinking about it blows my mind. To think that a structure is still used for its original purpose almost two thousand years later. It is possible to climb to the top of the amphitheater to get a better view of the entire place. You can see the typical shape of the amphitheater there. It is said to be able to fit twenty thousand people here for events. It must have been a very lively place whenever there is anything going on here.
[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/AmphitheaterTrier.kmz} zoom=19]