I am aware that Boston is a very historic city in the United States. I think it’s proximity to Europe makes it a logical place for immigrants to end up in. This is especially true to the Irish who emigrated and ended up with what is dubbed the most European city in the United States. You can see this in a lot of places especially with the number of Irish pubs here. Anyway, I was just starting my exploration of downtown Boston and I seemed to have ended up at what appears to be a commercial area in downtown. There were a lot of shops here and it seems to be a pedestrian only street which confirms my suspicions that this is a shopping street. I wasn’t really here to shop but I think it has been a while since I was in a commercial area that I couldn’t help but look around.
There was a building which caught my eye and apparently this is the Old South Meeting House. I had to learn a bit of revolutionary history but this was was a church where the Boston Tea Party would meet regularly. From my understanding, the Boston Tea Party is actually a protest which started with taxes on tea. Eventually, the issue became one about the colonies getting taxed by people who do not represent them. This started the fires of the American revolution. I know it is more complicated than that but I would have to read up more on American history to be able to describe this better. Since the Old South Meeting House is a place used by the revolutionaries, the British eventually caught wind of this and razed it. It is possible to visit the old meeting house but I just wanted to go around first can take photos.
[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/OldSouthMeetingHouse.kmz} zoom=19]