Kinnagoe Bay

Going Down to Kinnagoe Bay

Going Down to Kinnagoe Bay

By looking at the map of the Inishowen Peninsula as well as some road patterns, I figured out that there seemed to be something interesting in one particular area. This place turned out to be Kinnagoe Bay. Like a lot of the villages in the Inishowen Peninsula, this place was also by the sea. obviously because it is a bay. It was almost like a secret place that I just discovered. As I was winding my way along the hills leading up to Kinnagoe Bay I can see how this place can be quite special. There were fingers of land which stick out and thus would form protected bays which in turn host beaches.

Beach at Kinnagoe Bay

Beach at Kinnagoe Bay

From far away, I can already see the beach of Kinnagoe Bay. The day was very bright so the sand just stands out. There is a road which leads down to the beach where there is a parking area. The rest is all just sandy beach. While, the sand stands out, this beach happens to have quite a lot of large rocks so you might need to be a little more careful when visiting this bay. The beach actually isn’t that large but I don’t think you need it to be that large when it can be just you there on the beach.

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