Aqueduct was built back in the ancient Roman empire as a way of bringing water from far away places to the cities. This was all done before the advent of electricity. The ingenious part is where they only used the power of gravity to move the water. By making the water fall, the water can move. This is done by putting the water in path way which has a very, very gentle incline. This means that one part of the aqueduct is higher than the other, making the water fall and flow towards its intended destination. This is exactly the same mechanics used in the aqueduct at Pont du Gard.
I think part of the decision in building an acqueduct was finding a source of water. The bridge of water would then be constructed such that it descend ever so slowly towards the destination. I can’t imagine the complexity in construction something so precise. It is made even more amazing by the fact that it was all done before the aid of computers almost two thousand years ago. Looking at the structure make you realize how skilled the ancient Romans where. It takes a lot of manpower to build such a structure. The fact that it still stands is a testament to their skill in engineering.
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