View of Mayon Volcano at Cagsawa

Mayon Volcano and the Belfry at Cagsawa

Mayon Volcano and the Belfry at Cagsawa

I came here to the Bicol region for only one thing. That is to photograph the famous Mayon Volcano. Every kid in the country knows about Mayon volcano. It is described as the volcano with most perfect cone. I never really understood what that meant back then. Whenever I would think mountains or volcanoes, I would imagine it to be a squished triangle much like how Mayon is. Imagine when I finally got to see photos of other mountains and volcanoes and exclaiming why are they so ugly.

A Look at Mayon Volcano

A Look at Mayon Volcano

Mayon is amazingly symmetrical, if you go around the volcano, it would look pretty much the same. Sure there will be the gullies which formed over the years but the cone itself is incredibly symmetrical. This is what is means to have a perfect cone. I have heard before that it is not as perfect anymore because something collapsed but I couldn’t tell. Cagsawa is one of the best places to see the beauty of Mayon Volcano. A lot of postcards have the belfry of Cagsawa as part of the scene of Mayon Volcano. I was delighted to be able to see the belfry unfortunately, the air was quite misty that you could barely make out the outline of the famous volcano. It was incredibly disappointing to me not to be able to see it properly but I think I will have other chances to get that postcard photo.

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