We were gathered outside the entrance of the Newgrange Stone Age Passage Tomb. I was struck at how small the entrance is compared to the rest of the monument. Perhaps this was made to keep the elements out. At the entrance of the tomb, there was another tour guide who seems to be assigned to this place. She was a lively guide and she was describing all sorts of facts about the Newgrange monument. The more that I know about this monument, the more interesting it seems to be. The entrance itself was also decorated with the white stone which I came to know to be quartz.
As has been told us previously, the entrance itself is probably not the original layout of the tomb entrance. When the tomb was excavated, there was a lot of damage done to the monument and it took a lot of effort to put stuff together. The quartz stone which line the front of the entrance were most probably not in the original place. If you think about it, I think it would have been very difficult to build the facade Newgrange has now with stone age technology. There doesn’t seem to be a way that stone facade will be able to hold that shape without the aid of modern engineering. Much has been said about this tampering but it has already been done. At least, now it is being carefully protected.
[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/Newgrange.kmz} zoom=19]