Lijiang Ancient Town in the Rain

Willow Tree Lined Streets of Lijiang Ancient Town 丽江古城

Willow Tree Lined Streets of Lijiang Ancient Town 丽江古城

I arrived back in Lijiang Ancient Town just in time for the rain. Fortunately, I didn’t push through with that plan to hike up Elephant Hill. I don’t want to even think of what could happen had I been stuck on the hill because of a rain storm, or worse, a thunderstorm. It was the rainy season here at Lijiang which helps keep the weather cool. Lijiang itself it already 2400 meters above sea level. That probably is enough to give this place a cool climate all year round. Yes, it snows here as well, and that might be a worthwhile reason to come back here. I don’t think there will be a lot of visitors here in the ancient town during the winter months.

Lijiang Ancient Town Plaza

Lijiang Ancient Town Plaza

It seems that the rain has failed to keep the tourist folk indoors. Everyone is out in full force. It has worked just enough so that there is still space to move around. The waterways have also risen in response to the rain as well, making the town prettier combined with the lush willow trees which line the cobblestone streets. I remember someone telling me why they have to make the streets cobblestone when it is makes it so difficult to walk on. When it rains they become slippery as well.

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