Exploring the Flower Dome of the Gardens by the Bay

Inside the Flower Dome at the Gardens by the Bay

Inside the Flower Dome at the Gardens by the Bay

I didn’t get to visit the Gardens by the Bay that much when I was still living in Singapore. After all, I didn’t imagine that I would be leaving soon after the Gardens by the Bay was completed. As a result, I didn’t get to see much of it. I still held off visiting the other parts of the park on subsequent visits only because there was a ticketed area which I didn’t think was worth it. A good friend of mine recommended that I try to visit these other parts of the park and it seems that it was well worth the entrance fee.

Bottle Trees at the Flower Dome of the Gardens by the Bay

Bottle Trees at the Flower Dome of the Gardens by the Bay

Do I agree with that? Oh yeah, but primarily because of the powerful air-conditioning that was used within the Flower Dome. It was such a relief that it almost felt like something was wrong. I can see that people also like the area because of this since I see a lot people just sitting around. Of course, you can always admire the indoor garden here. The Flower Dome is divided into different habitats trying to reflect as much variety as possible within the limits of the huge dome. There were even the dry habitats which is a bit different from the local environment of Singapore. Of these, I think bottle trees are one of the primary examples of plants which thrive here. It was nice to be able to see all these plant life all in one air-conditioned dome. Even though there were a lot of people in the dome, it didn’t feel crowded at all. I guess the dome is really that big.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/GardensbytheBay.kmz} zoom=19]

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