I decided to bite the bullet and visit the more recent expansions to the Gardens by the Bay in Singapore. I don’t think I like these kinds of places but this is Singapore and there’s only a limit number of places you can go to which isn’t a shopping mall. The Flower Dome is one of these places which I resisted going to for the longest time. It was already there when I was still living here but I didn’t go see it. This time, I’m making sure that I go there, only because someone told me to.
The Flower Dome is a huge structure which covers a large section of the park. It is an almost greenhouse like structure which as you might expect, houses flowers. There is an entrance fee to be paid here to access it but the moment I entered the Flower Dome, I was so glad that I purchased tickets for it. It was air-conditioned. I know, I know, that wasn’t the point of the Flower Dome but I was struggling with the tropical Singapore heat and the cool air inside the Flower Dome was a godsend. From the entrance, you can see that the Flower Dome is divided into sections and it even has some sort of elevation going on. This is obviously to try to give the impression that there are different kinds of plants in different habitats. I can see that there are a lot of people here and I don’t think I would be wrong if I said that a lot of the people here were here just to take advantage of the air-conditioning.
[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/GardensbytheBay.kmz} zoom=19]