Going to the Flower Dome at the Gardens by the Bay

Inside the Flower Dome at the Gardens by the Bay

Inside the Flower Dome at the Gardens by the Bay

It wasn’t my first time at the Gardens by the Bay in Singapore, in fact, I have been here at least twice. Both times I only visited the supertrees which were the primary attractions of the place. However, there were already other places here which have a pay wall. I didn’t go visit at the time since I thought that I could always come back but it turned out that it will take me a while get a chance to visit those expansions. Now that I was back in the country for a visit, I thought it was a great time to visit.

Exploring the Flower Dome at the Gardens by the Bay

Exploring the Flower Dome at the Gardens by the Bay

The Flower Dome is one of the expansions to the Gardens by the Bay. It was good that they built this since it would be boring, at least in my opinion, to have just one huge garden and then the supertrees. I doesn’t take a genius to figure out what is inside the Flower Dome but I might as well go in anyway. The two newer sites are almost right next to each other so visitors don’t really need to walk very far. Both of them are also glass covered, giving it almost like a greenhouse kind of an effect, except that this would be way larger. I look forward to see this Flower Dome.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/GardensbytheBay.kmz} zoom=19]

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