When the concept of the Gardens by the Bay was first being publicized, one of the major features of the park was these structures which are billed as “supertrees”. They are tall but artificial tree-looking structures which rise above the park. I know it was a bit strange for a place known as Gardens by the Bay to have fake trees but I think it worked out for the best. These supertrees rise above the rest of the park and can be see from outside the park. They are lit up at night and it can be a magical experience to just be there and watch the light show.
Additionally, there are skybridges which connect some of the supertrees so for a fee, visitors can go up and walk above the park. I have been to the Gardens by the Bay a few times but I never considered going up the supertrees, and I probably would never go up. I think they look best from the ground but who knows. The supertrees are the most prominent feature of the park and no doubt you would have seen them in various advertisements of the park and of Singapore itself. I will not linger here too much since I will be back again in the evening when the light show starts.
[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/GardensbytheBay.kmz} zoom=19]