I was visiting Singapore to take care of some stuff here, but because I don’t know how long it will take, I put a bit of buffer so I can make sure I have enough time to complete it. To my pleasant surprise, I was able to do what I needed to within a few hours and soon I was free to do whatever I wanted. While there are a lot of new places here, I felt that one of the places which I didn’t pay too much attention to back then was the Gardens by the Bay. I know that I visited the main attraction at the time which were the supertrees but there were also other sites there which I didn’t visit. This time, I was determined to go there only because I have nothing better to do.
It used to be that getting there wasn’t that easy but now one just needs to take the MRT to get there. I am quite familiar with the area but not that much with the Gardens by the Bay itself. I remember that the last time I was here it was hard to visit since there were a lot of bugs flying around. This time it would be more challenging for me since it was very warm. My body isn’t used to this kind of heat anymore and I don’t think I would be enjoying this.
As far at the entrance is concerned, there isn’t much that changed here. Most people would first end up at what is billed as the supertrees which are basically artificial structures that were meant to mimic trees. At night they can be quite captivating which is why I would be staying here until it gets dark. This is also the reason why I went to the park later in the day. The other reason for that is to avoid the midday heat. This time of the day, there were a lot of visitors and it almost feels like there are even more than ever. There have been a lot of things said about this back then, I’m sure this is still an issue up to now.
[xmlgm {http://www.worlwanderings.net/kml/GardensbytheBay.kmz} zoom=19]