It was finally time to go. I spent a week in the western side of Austria and I got see some lovely alpine scenery. You could say that this was all I really hoped for when I came here. I was glad that the weather has been mostly good especially when it was time to visit the beautiful countryside. I don’t know if weather is good this time of the year but I will take what I can. I took the bus from my hotel to the airport. It was why I chose the hotel in the first place because it had great access to the airport, the city center as well as the train station.
The airport isn’t that far from the city center though annoyingly only the buses go there. I would have preferred it if the trams also went there so I would have more options, maybe it was just too far for the tram but who knows. The airport here isn’t that big, thought it is already the country’s second largest airport, but it seems to be just right for the size of the city. Even if the airport was named after her most famous son, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, it isn’t a particularly attractive or striking building either. It looks like just one big gray box. When I got arrived here earlier in the week, I didn’t find the interior impressive, and I just quickly walked out of the building.
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