Werfen Winter Scenery

A Traditional House in Werfen

A Traditional House in Werfen

I was met with heavy snowfall when I was at the Sound of Music film location in Werfen. I don’t think it was that cold but the snow was really coming down and it was getting difficult to see. Fortunately, the dark road contrasts very well with the white snow of the area, that there was little chance of me getting lost here, at least not yet. I would have to later look it up online to see where was the actual scenery but for now, I would have to content myself with winter scenery. Unfortunately, wide open fields doesn’t make much of a winter scenery.

This is Supposedly Where the View is in Werfen

This is Supposedly Where the View is in Werfen

I was hoping that the weather would clear up a bit so that I can at least see the mountains in the distance but there was no such luck for me. Obviously, I didn’t plan my visit very well, nor did I even bother looking up the weather. I just wanted to go to the film location outside the city and that was it. In a way, I still got what I wanted. I did reach the film location but I didn’t get to see the scenery that made that place the film location in the first place. One may think that I was disappointed here but not entirely, since I got to experience walking in heavy snowfall here in the hills of Werfen.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/Werfen.kmz} zoom=19]

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