I was in the town of Werfen to at least get a piece of the Sound of Music history. I saw the classic film many years ago and I still remember some of its songs. Of course, I had no idea that large parts of the movie were filmed in Austria. It was only when I visited Salzburg that I came to find out of all these. I am not that big of a fan to visit all the Sound of Music locations but I thought it would be fun to at least see one of them, preferably one outside the city. Werfen is one these locations which was conveniently located south of the city of Salzburg.
The actual location is not inside the town itself. There is a trail which goes through the town and then proceeds to the actual site. I made my way up the hill behind the town at which point the area just opened up. There is a large open area here which was at the time of my visit covered in snow. Certainly, not the best time to visit this place. Either way, I had to continue walking until I saw a sign on the right which declares it to be the location. The actual location is fenced off just in case. Anyone can just walk in here. I think the fence is still for the best so you don’t have large number of people walking all over the place.
[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/Werfen.kmz} zoom=19]