I was hoping that the film location of the Sound of Music in the small town of Werfen would be easy to get to. I guess this would be true in better weather, but it was winter and there was a lot of snow recently. Needless to say, it was a little challenging to walk. I don’t want to get hurt here and have to crawl my way back without any help. The trail to the film location goes through the main street then makes a sharp left to the hill behind the town. I think this is where the fun starts.
As you might expect, this way is even less traveled compared to main street. This way apparently leads out of town, even though it is still a paved road, there weren’t a lot of vehicles passing. This has kept much of the ice intact and difficult to walk on. The trail up the hill was also going up the hill which made it even more challenging. There would be times that I thought I would slip but I still managed to hang on and keep walking. I don’t think the film site is anywhere near here yet and I think I still have a lot of climbing to do.
[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/Werfen.kmz} zoom=19]