
Snow Covered Town of Werfen

Snow Covered Town of Werfen

I spent most of the day in the city center of Salzburg but decided to go out of town the next day. My destination isn’t that far and it is easily accessible by train. It is not a UNESCO World Heritage site if you are wondering, but for some people it might as well be. Werfen is a tiny town nestled within the mountains south of Salzburg. Any other day, I probably would have just slept past this down as I took the train but it seems that this place is nice enough to be the one of the film locations of the Sound of Music.

Map of Werfen

Map of Werfen

I am aware that the movie the Sound of Music has several film locations in Austria but I thought that if Werfen was good enough to be a film location, then maybe it would also have nice scenery. Upon arrival at Werfen Railway Station, it was obvious it wasn’t exactly tourist weather. It was dark and dreary and there was snow all around. It wasn’t snowing yet but from the looks of it, it will be falling soon. I would imagine it would be fun to walk around in the snow but reality is very different since you always need to watch your footing. Looking at the map, it looks like the film location is still a bit of a walk from the train station, so I think I should start moving.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/WerfenRailwayStation.kmz} zoom=19]

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