You may notice that I spent the last two days just going around Salzburg, specifically the historic center. It is small enough that one can easily walk around it, but there are several places here that are worth visiting. I basically dedicated the last two days to seeing Salzburg which is something I don’t usually do. Especially if it is just a city. Salzburg is a historic and beautiful city. It has an air of elegance about it without making feel like a museum. That was Salzburg for the meantime, the following day, I will be going out of town as I am wont to do.
Probably because of Mozart, the city of Salzburg is forever associated with music. One can consider Salzburg to be some sort of pilgrimage site for musicians because, of course, of Mozart. I am not much of a musician but I think I can still appreciate such important things. There are somewhat more recent things which Salzburg is known for. Again, it is music related. For people who are old enough, the movie The Sound of Music is one of those films with very memorable soundtracks. Now, even I am not old enough to have watched the movie when it came out but we were still able to watch it on video rental. Needless to say, I was also one of those people who learned the songs of the movie. Probably owing to Salzburg’s close association with music, large parts of the movie were film in the region. Today, I will be going to one of the places where this was filmed. I don’t expect to be wowed here but hopefully I would see something nice.
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