Cemetery of the Abbey of Saint Peter in Salzburg

Walking Through the Cemetery of the Abbey of Saint Peter in Salzburg

Walking Through the Cemetery of the Abbey of Saint Peter in Salzburg

I notice that the more I travel the less planning and research I do. I would like to think that this is because I would prefer that I be surprised to discover these places on my own, which I think is better than knowing all about it before even going there. I guess there are points for and against this attitude. If I know more about the place, I would be able to quickly go through a place and take my photos and move on to the next one. However, I also realize that is not the point of travel, it is more to experience the place rather than making sure you get the perfect Instagram photo. There’s that too but these days, I would just take it a little easier and just play it by ear. Either that or I just got lazy.

Mausoleums at the Cemetery of the Abbey of Saint Peter in Salzburg

Mausoleums at the Cemetery of the Abbey of Saint Peter in Salzburg

The Abbey of Saint Peter in Salzburg is one of those places that I only vaguely knew existed just before coming here and it was only when I stumbled into it that I remembered about it. That is probably a lesson for me to at least make a list of places I would want to visit. The Abbey of Saint Peter in Salzburg turned out to be one of the oldest places in the city. The church of the abbey is considered the oldest in the city. The abbey also has a cemetery possible dating back to the when the monastery was founded. They even have an even older burial site just next to the cemetery which pre-dates the monastery.

As mentioned above, the cemetery is something that was established following the formation of the abbey itself. This means that the dead couldn’t have been buried earlier than the monastery. I thought this was a bit of a disappointment since I just came from the older burial site which was probably several centuries older than the monastery. This cemetery by the abbey is open air for the most part. And it isn’t really that interesting since it looks feels like any other old cemetery.

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