Exploring the Rest of the Catacombs at the Abbey of Saint Peter in Salzburg

Inside the Catacombs of the Abbey of Saint Peter in Salzburg

Inside the Catacombs of the Abbey of Saint Peter in Salzburg

I braved the darkness and quiet of the catacombs of the Abbey of Saint Peter in Salzburg to bring you more content. Of course, visiting these kinds of places at night can be unnerving but even more so if you are alone, which I was. I probably was moving fast that I didn’t have time to get scared. These catacombs are estimated to be from an early Christian settlement that preceded Salzburg. So, yes, these are very old and you can tell just from the way the tunnel was carved out of the side of the hill. I first came across what seems to be a place to celebrate Mass. There were some tombs nearby and I thought that was it.

Small Altar at the Catacombs of the Abbey of Saint Peter in Salzburg

Small Altar at the Catacombs of the Abbey of Saint Peter in Salzburg

Turns out the path continues on to another level up where there was yet another area with an altar for celebrating mass. I guess having them on both floors made sense since they would be closer to where the tomb would be. The altar here is smaller than the one a level below. However, I noticed that the tombs here have more detail. Some of them have decorations and others even have writing on them. It was hard to see what was written since there was not a lot of light but I don’t think I would have been able to read it anyway. This part marks the end of the tunnels and catacombs. I didn’t want to stay any longer than necessary and I quickly made my way back down.

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