Abbey of Saint Peter in Salzburg

Abbey of Saint Peter Church in Salzburg

Abbey of Saint Peter Church in Salzburg

It was starting to rain that afternoon in the city of Salzburg. I was cold and wet and it won’t do me any good if my camera was wet. Fortunately, I stumbled into the Abbey of Saint Peter which happens to be in the historic center of the city. It was hard to miss this place since it was quite large. Of particular note for me was the church since this was the one I first noticed. The church had a unique onion dome which I thought was only seen in eastern Europe. I was surprised to see one here. Apparently, that onion dome was a relatively recent addition to the church. Recent might be a little misleading since this church goes back almost a thousand years.

Inside the Abbey of Saint Peter Church in Salzburg

Inside the Abbey of Saint Peter Church in Salzburg

To get away from the rain, I went in the church. The doors were surprisingly heavy and upon entry, I was greeted by yet another set of doors. Maybe the first set of doors was meant to keep the cold away. It works though. When I stepped through the second set of doors I was greeted by a beautiful interior. Officially, the architecture of the church is Romanesque, however the interiors have been remodeled several times with the latest one giving it the current Rococo style. This was also soon after the church got its onion dome. I must say that the interiors are very attractive and I don’t think I have seen any church interior like this before. Immediately, my eyes were drawn to the ceiling. In contrast to the previous Franciscan Church I just visited, this church is much more welcoming. I might need to stay here a little while longer while I wait the rain out.

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