Historic Center of Salzburg at Night

Historic Center of the City of Salzburg at Night

Historic Center of the City of Salzburg at Night

The Historic Center of the City of Salzburg is one of the more elegant cities that I have visited. It seems that everything here is fancy and the buildings here are all used by the archbishop of the time, this gives the city a royal feeling which undoubtedly help put it in the list of UNESCO World Heritage sites. This feeling is highlighted even more at night when the major structures in the city are lit up. Perhaps most prominently lit up here is the Hohensalzburg Fortress which rises above the city. As I found out when I visited the fortress earlier, there are a number of spotlights which are aimed at the fortress so people can still see it at night.

River Salzach at Night

River Salzach at Night

Indeed as I made my way across the River Salzach, one can clearly see how the fortress dominates the Salzburg skyline. Of course, there is also the Salzburg Cathedral but it isn’t as prominent as the fortress which sits on top of a hill. I don’t there are too many cities like this which makes me think that Salzburg is even prettier than it already is. I just had dinner and I thought that it would be nice to walk around the city at night though the rain was making me change my mind. It wasn’t full blown rain yet but I wouldn’t want to get stuck outside when it does pour.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/HohensalzburgFortress.kmz} zoom=19]