Hohensalzburg Fortress at Night

Hohensalzburg Fortress at Night

Hohensalzburg Fortress at Night

I think I actually completed my visit to the Hohensalzburg Fortress just in time for closing. When I was purchasing the ticket, they informed me that the place would be closing soon and advised me to go visit the places inside the fortress first since the rest will still be accessible. Just as I arrived at what I think is the highest point of the fortress, staff were already reminding visitors that it was time to go down. By this time, the weather wasn’t that great anymore and it was very cold. I didn’t want to spend too much time up the fortress in that weather nor was the view that great since there were huge spotlights aimed at the fortress which made photography very difficult.

Imposing Walls of Hohensalzburg Fortress at Night

Imposing Walls of Hohensalzburg Fortress at Night

Of course, those spotlights weren’t meant to deter photographers from taking photos but it was meant to illuminate the fortress walls at night. From afar, you can clearly see the fortress above the city of Salzburg because of these lights. As for me, I already went back down to the the foot of the fortress and I can clearly see these illuminated walls. They do look even more imposing at night. I would love to go a little further just to get a better photo of the fortress but that will have to come later. For now, I need to take my photos and try to avoid any super bright lights and hope for the best.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/HohensalzburgFortress.kmz} zoom=19]