Bed Chamber at the Hohensalzburg

Bed Chamber at the Hohensalzburg Fortress

Bed Chamber at the Hohensalzburg Fortress

It seems that I have arrived at what is probably the most important part of the entire fortress. The third level is where the prince archbishop would be residing when he is in the the fortress. One would need to remember that the purpose of the fortress would be to protect the prince archbishop from any danger. This may mean that he would need to stay for periods of time. Naturally, any other person would want some form of luxury when in this kind of situation but for an archbishop of the time, he would demand more.

Inside the Bed Chamber at the Hohensalzburg Fortress

Inside the Bed Chamber at the Hohensalzburg Fortress

The Golden Hall is elaborately decorated compared to the rest of the fortress. Which means that this is where the archbishop would be most of the time. Of course, the archbishop doesn’t just sleep in the hall, he actually has a bedroom here. The bed chamber though has a lot of the design of the Golden Hall just outside but with more elaborate designs. Even though the room is light by modern lights, you can tell that that the room is dark because of the colors that were used in the room. The ceiling is dark with golden buttons that look like stars in the sky. Perhaps that is the whole point of the design, it would appear that he would be sleeping under the night sky.

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