Exploring the Hohensalzburg Fortress

Watchtower at the Hohensalzburg Fortress

Watchtower at the Hohensalzburg Fortress

I was exploring the Hohensalzburg Fortress in the city of Salzburg. I went there around an hour before closing time. I visited the city of Salzburg in the winter which meant that the days are shorter. I wanted to be able to finish my visit before it gets dark but it seems that I was running out of time. To make matters worse, the weather wasn’t cooperating. Compared to the previous days, that day’s weather wasn’t very nice. It was cold and windy and it was even starting to rain. I needed to complete this visit before it gets any worse.

Inside the Walls of the Hohensalzburg Fortress

Inside the Walls of the Hohensalzburg Fortress

The Hohensalzburg Fortress is considered one of the largest castles in Europe. It is built on top of a hill in the middle of the city of Salzburg. It was actually built on top of the remains of an older Roman fortress but it was continually expanded over the centuries. One might think why would an archbishop even need a fortress. Back then, the church had considerable political power and with this they would also have enemies who can potentially threaten their power. I thought it was strange since the archbishop’s palace and the cathedral itself were all outside the fortress walls. The fortress was continually expanded over the years and you can guess just from exploring the fortress where these happened. I was already inside the main fortress walls and I had to go through yet another side of walls to go to the inner part of the fortress. It felt like there was a small town here and I think it makes sense since people actually live and work within the fortress. They would need to have stuff they can get without having to go out of the fortress to get them.

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