Old Room in the Salzburg Cathedral Museum

Old Room at the Salzburg Cathedral Museum

Old Room at the Salzburg Cathedral Museum

I was trying to finish my visit to the Salzburg Cathedral Museum when there was apparently another museum after the Cabinet of Curiosities. It was mostly paintings and but this time I was already tired and I didn’t want to see any more exhibits. I think my patience and interest for these things is not as much as there used to be, which wasn’t a lot, so I tend to finish things up as fast as possible. The Saint Peter’s Museum is another collection of religious artifacts by the Archabbey of Saint Peter. I made short work of that too and tried to make my way out.

Details on the Ceiling at the Old Room at the Salzburg Cathedral Museum

Details on the Ceiling at the Old Room at the Salzburg Cathedral Museum

I happened to walk along this hall which I thought was the way out and stumbled into a room which look a bit out of place. This room looked very old and it doesn’t match the rest of the cathedral or museum at all. It is obvious that this one was kept in its original condition as much as possible. To write this post, I tried looking it up but I can’t find any information about it. The room isn’t as brightly lit as the other rooms and you can even see that the wallpaper has peeled in parts which reveal what was beneath it. I would like to think that this is one of the oldest parts of the cathedral for them to keep it like this. In hindsight, I should have paid more attention as to what I was looking at since I think this is one of the most significant parts of the cathedral.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/SalzburgCathedralMuseum.kmz} zoom=19]