Residenzgalerie at the Salzburg Residenz

Mother Praying by Rembrandt at the Salzburg Residenz

Mother Praying by Rembrandt at the Salzburg Residenz

I thought that I was making good progress through the Salzburg Residenz which used to be the archbishop’s palace. While the rooms were very tastefully done, most of them tend to look very similar to each other and the only thing distinguishing one from the others would be the painting on the ceiling. Eventually, it seems that I ran out of rooms to visit as the room turned into one which has a lot of paintings. This is the Residenzgalerie or the art gallery at the Salzburg Residenz. These painting are paintings which have been accumulated over the years and actually have been in display here for some time now.

Children at the Window by Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller at the Salzburg Residenz

Children at the Window by Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller at the Salzburg Residenz

I don’t really recognize any painting though some might be familiar looking but I don’t know if they just look like some painting I have seen elsewhere or actually famous. As for the artists, you could give a list of these artists but I would only recognize the name Rembrandt. Apparently, he has a painting here and unsurprisingly it was one of the most striking that I saw. The fact that among the paintings that I saw here, it was Rembrandt’s painting that I notice probably says a lot. The painting was surprisingly small, I would have imagined it would be bigger, though I think it would be easier to make something like this if it wasn’t so large.

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