Picture Gallery at the Salzburg Residenz

Walking Through the Picture Gallery at the Salzburg Residenz

Walking Through the Picture Gallery at the Salzburg Residenz

I am aware that I am visiting yet another palace at the Salzburg Residenz, albeit one for the archbishop instead of a king, but I think at that time, there is not much to distinguish one from the other as far as influence is concerned. The Salzburg Residenz was the result of continuous expansion of the residence over the years to what it is right now. I find it hard to imagine why an archbishop would need such a massive place. I understand the residence might not have been that large initially, but why would you need to expand continuously, when it is supposedly only for the use of one person.

Beautiful Painted Ceiling at the Picture Gallery of the Salzburg Residenz

Beautiful Painted Ceiling at the Picture Gallery of the Salzburg Residenz

Either way, what they ended up with was a magnificent structure which can go toe to toe with some of the best palaces in Europe. For me it is less flamboyant but still beautiful nonetheless. I feel that there is much more restraint here as far as interiors are concerned when compared to other European palaces. One of the more prominent structures here is the Picture Gallery which as the name implies, houses from paintings of important people of the time. Like most of the rooms in the Residenz, the gallery also has a painted ceiling making it not unlike the more famous palaces of Europe. I think one of the main differences I can see here is the better use of windows, which make the room brighter and less oppressive.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/SalzburgResidenz.kmz} zoom=19]