Hofburg Innsbruck

Inner Courtyard at the Hofburg Innsbruck

Inner Courtyard at the Hofburg Innsbruck

The Hofburg Innsbruck is one of the most important historical buildings in the country. This was, after all, the seat of the Holy Roman Empire when Emperor Maximillian I ascended the throne. While I was going around the old city, it did cross my mine that there didn’t seem to be any imperial palace but I was mistaken. There was a large palace complex which I was passing and I didn’t even notice. This was probably because of all the Christmas Markets that I have been visiting. The Hofburg Innsbruck used to be a more humble castle but this all changed when Maximillian I became emperor.

Entrance to the Hofburg Innsbruck

Entrance to the Hofburg Innsbruck

I had a hard time looking for the entrance. This is usually the case when the place it so large that it wasn’t obvious where the entrance it. I needed to go in the inner courtyard to find the entrance to the palace. To my horror, photos are not allowed inside the palace. From my understanding, this is managed by a private company and they do not allow photos taken inside the palace. Even if they paid for the tickets. I suppose they don’t want people just posting photos of the interior of the palace or people won’t want to visit them anymore.

So how was it inside. As it is typical of European palaces, it was basically room after room of fancy apartments. There were also sections which exhibits on various imperial paraphernalia. If I sound very vague, then that is probably because a lot of the stuff I saw wasn’t very memorable. This is more especially so if you don’t have photos to remind you want you saw there. I suppose that if you are already in Innsbruck anyway, then it would be worth dropping by. If you have seen too many European palaces then this won’t be any better than the ones you have seen elsewhere.

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