Going to Hofburg Innsbruck

Going in  the Hofburg Innsbruck

Going in the Hofburg Innsbruck

I think I spent more time at the Alpenzoo than I expected. I wasn’t expecting to see a lot at the zoo but there was a surprising amount to see here. I just felt bad because I don’t have a long lens to see the animals better. I think I would have spent even more time had I had the proper equipment. Anyway, it was finally time to get out. I know I still have places to visit in the city and I might as well go before it gets dark. The last leg of the funicular ride is the one from the Alpenzoo to Innsbruck Congress station, this was also where I started earlier in the morning.

Outside the Hofburg Innsbruck

Outside the Hofburg Innsbruck

As it turns out, Congress station was actually near some important historical sites which I haven’t been to yet. I knew that I needed to go there but I didn’t know that the funicular station was that close to them to begin with. My next destination is the Hofburg Innsbruck which is the imperial palace here in the old city of Innsbruck. Remember that Emperor Maximillian I was Holy Roman Emperor and he used Innsbruck as the capital of the empire. Like any self respecting emperor, Maximillian I needed an imperial palace – that is the Hofburg which was also a castle at the time. During the time of the emperor, this was expanded to pretty much how it is today. These days it is a museum and I would want to have a look inside.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/HofburgInnsbruck.kmz} zoom=19]