
Summit Cross at the Hafelekarspitze

Summit Cross at the Hafelekarspitze

Against my better judgement, I decided to try to walk up a snow covered hill to one of the peaks here at Hafelekar. Although normally, the trail should be easy to climb up, but the slightly melted snow made for slippery conditions and given that I was only wearing running shoes, it made for a difficult climb. I was struggling to keep my footing as I made my way to the top. The snow can be deep in parts, while the parts which people have passed through have become slippery, so it was tough to make my way up. I watch with envy as people with much better footwear walk their way up the slope, while I was crawling my way up and praying that I don’t slip.

View of the Nordkette from Hefelekarspitze

View of the Nordkette from Hefelekarspitze

After a lot of struggling and help from friendly folk, who pointed the best route to take, I somehow managed to find my way to the top. I don’t know if it was the effort of that short climb, but I didn’t feel that it was cold up here. I was glad that it wasn’t windy either, that way I can spend a little more time appreciating the view up here. In front me, way below is the city of Innsbruck. This peak where I was at seems to be named Hafelekarspitze and it is also surrounded by other peaks which I will never climb. Most prominently, there is a cross here which marks the peak.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/Hafelekarspitze.kmz} zoom=19]