I was making my way to the Top of Innsbruck. It is a name they came up with for tourists. It worked because I went for it. Basically, you take the funicular to go up the Nordkette mountains which just north of the city. Since I wanted to go all the way to the top, I need to make two transfers. The first transfer is at Hungerburg which is considered a district of Innsbruck even if it is a little elevated. Some visitors can start their ascent the mountain here as well. Note that since I have a ticket to go all the way to the top, I can hang out at Hungerburg if I so choose then continue on whenever I am ready.
I didn’t actually hang out at Hungerburg when I got there. I thought that I should keep going up then slowly work my way down. The next funicular track is much steeper and this one goes to Seegrube. From here, the city of Innsbruck looks so far down. It is amazing that we can go up the mountain so quickly. This certainly beats building a road from the city all the way to the top. By this time, most of the mountain is covered in snow. It is beautiful. I don’t get to see this kind of scenery that much and I am always fascinated when I see snow.
[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.ne/kml/Seegrube.kmz} zoom=19]