Hungerburg Funicular Station

Hungerburg Funicular Station

Hungerburg Funicular Station

When I purchased tickets to go up the Nordkette mountains, I was informed that there are actually different tiers for the tickets. How much you pay, depends on how far up you want to go. To go further up, one would need to transfer cars as you make your way up the mountain. I naturally chose to go all the way up, it would be a shame not to go all the way up, since I was already here. I didn’t really pay attention to the funicular system map, all I know was that I need to keep going up.

Entering Hungerburg Funicular Station

Entering Hungerburg Funicular Station

The first station after Innsbruck Congress Station is the Hungerburg Station. This is still part of Innsbruck and it isn’t that far from the city. In fact, visitors can take a bus from the city to Hungerburg, then take the funicular to the top. I just happened to be somewhat near the base station that I didn’t needed to take the bus. Besides, I didn’t really want to have to figure out the bus system here since I would just be walking most of the time. Hungerburg Station while already a bit elevated compared to the rest of the city of Innsbruck is still way below the Nordkette mountains, I think the view will only get better as the funicular goes further up.

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