Marktplatz Innsbruck

Inside the Marktplatz Innsbruck

Inside the Marktplatz Innsbruck

I think I finished seeing the sights in Innsbruck at least for the night. I still have the whole of tomorrow to go around but I still have to plan on where to go. In the meantime, I would need to look for a place to have dinner. Fortunately, I was near the River Inn at the time, I noticed that there was something that looks like it would have a restaurant. This is the Marktplatz Innsbruck. From the name, I would imagine that it means market square. This doesn’t feel like a market square at all, at least in the traditional sense.

Outside Dining Area at the Marktplatz Innsbruck

Outside Dining Area at the Marktplatz Innsbruck

When I went in, I realized that this was a modern version of a market square. This is totally indoors, except for the part which faces the river where you can have al-fresco dining. It would probably be nice, but not in this cold. There are shops inside the Marktplatz Innsbruck which sell local produce, much like a traditional market. There are actually stalls where you can eat at but I think I arrived a little too late in the night and most of the stalls were already closed. I thought it would be nice to get some food here had I arrived earlier.

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