Goldenes Dachl at Night

Goldenes Dachl at Night

Goldenes Dachl at Night

I somehow made it to the Town Tower of Innsbruck just before it closed. Actually, it is only the entrance which is closed but people can stay up the tower as long as they want. I intend to go up the tower and hopefully get photos of the square. This is probably one of the best places to see the square. When I reached the top of the tower, there was another couple up there taking photos. There was a single path going around the top of the tower and it made is a little awkward to take photos with people in the way.

Old Town Square of Innsbruck at Night

Old Town Square of Innsbruck at Night

The top of the tower is protected by a fence to keep people from falling. On the downside, the fence would get in the way of photos. This isn’t really a problem when using phones to take photos since the lenses are tiny. For actual cameras, this can be a problem. I would try to avoid the grills in the hope that they don’t show up in the photos. My thought is that as long as I focus on the scene below, the fence will not be noticeable, at least for the most part. There are spotlights which illuminate the town tower itself. This means it is aimed right at my camera. I would have to somehow avoid these spotlights else it will just ruin the photo. The square below is very lively with the Christmas market all lit up. Also prominently seen from the town tower is the Goldenes Dachl or Golden Roof which is probably Innsbruck’s most famous landmark. There are spotlights which focus on the Goldenes Dachl further highlighting the feature.

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