Arriving in Innsbruck Railway Station

Train at Innsbruck Railway Station

Train at Innsbruck Railway Station

I took a two hour long train ride from Salzburg to the city of Innsbruck in Austrian state of Tyrol. I have never heard of this place but I decided to go visit since this was one of the places which a friend of mine recommended. Actually, recommended might be too strong a word but this was one of the places which was mentioned. I decided not to do too much research into Innsbruck and just show up. I don’t think this is one of those difficult to visit places that I would need a lot of research for. I took a high speed train to this city and arrived there in no time. I was rather disappointed with the scenery on the way to the city but I quickly forgot about it when I saw the mountains that are behind the city.

Innsbruck Railway Station

Innsbruck Railway Station

The mountains are all covered in snow and were very beautiful. It seems that the city of Innsbruck is nestled between these mountains and I thought it was very attractive. The skies were very clear that day as well so I got great visibility of the mountains. This was just right after I stepped out of the train and I couldn’t help myself start taking photos. I hope you forgive me since I don’t see these kinds of scenery everyday. The train station itself was quite busy. I understand that Innsbruck is also on the way to other destinations so it is not surprised to see people also boarding. I was glad that I got here early so I can make full use of the beautiful weather and explore the city.

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