Back in Hallstatt Village

View of the Village of Hallstatt

View of the Village of Hallstatt

I spent a good chunk of the morning touring the Saltzwelten Hallstatt. It is a seven thousand year old salt mine that made Hallstatt what it is today. By the time I got back down to the funicular station below, there was a long queue of people waiting to get up. I was so glad that I decided to start early not only to get more done, but I was aware that there will be more people here as the day goes on. A lot of the visitors here in Hallstatt are day trippers from most probably Salzburg. Because of the lack of parking in the village, most people would come via public transportation which of course, operate on a schedule. This means, that as long as you beat the first group of these day trippers, then you should be good. I stayed overnight at the village so I don’t have to worry about taking the bus.

View of the Hallstatter See from Hallstatt

View of the Hallstatter See from Hallstatt

But enough about them, I can just spend the rest of the day wandering around the village and visit places which I didn’t the previous day. By the time I got back down to the village, the sky was already clear. There were low lying clouds in the valley when I went up the mountain and I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to get good views. The clouds eventually went away giving everyone a very clear view of the beautiful scenery. I was glad I did what I did since I would be in the salt mine the whole time and visibility is not a concern there. The view point by the bus station was packed with people but at least I won’t have people blocking my view because they can’t go in the water.

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